One joker caught me off guard as I was looking in a window and said "Say Cheese" really loudly. I didn't even have my camera on at the time. I jumped a mile high but was able to retort in my most sardonic voice: "You are sooo cool." I hope he caught the conspicuous sarcasm.
I did get in a zinger of a wise crack myself, but in a nice way, to someone else. I passed a woman carrying of all things, a pair of mannequin legs. I was near Columbia College which has a lot of art, theater and film students so she probably needed those legs for something. I couldn't resist. I turned to her and said "Nice legs." Then I said "And I can say that without offending you, too." We both got a laugh and went our merry ways. Unfortunately she was out of sight before I could deploy my camera.
I have decided to take more photographs downtown and fewer on the south side. I love the south side with its dirt and decay but in the summer there are too many people hanging out on the street and I have decided it probably isn't safe. Winter tends to be a lull-season for street crime. Too cold to loiter, I guess. I asked a fellow photographer if he thought it was OK for me to take photos in a neighborhood known as Englewood and he said definitely not. I think I will post more about Englewood so you can see what I mean.
Speaking of the south side, I stumbled across an architecture bookstore. I'd seen it before but had never gone in. I found two books, one on Greystone buildings in another neighborhood I've gone photographing and one on another inner city topic. I am trying to learn more so I can be more informed in my photography and in my writing.
I had one scary moment yesterday afternoon. I was taking my son to a doctor's appointment and was on the freeway in heavy traffic. The person in front of me ran into the car in front of him. I heard the bang and hit the brakes. I also said the S-word very loudly in front of my 9 year-old son. I was afraid that the person behind me wouldn't stop in time. Luckily nothing further occurred and other than a damaged couple of fenders the two other drivers were fine. I do so love driving in Friday rush hour traffic.
Downtown is an easy place to take people photos. There are so many tourists around that one tends to blend in. The people become part of the scenery and it doesn't seem so intrusive. Here is one such photo from yesterday. You can see more detail in a large view.

I enjoyed this post. :^)
Your posts and photos really make me miss Chicago- I've been away far too long.
glad to hear your car and lives weren't dented...sounds like a close call!
nice picture...
I'm glad no major acccident occured for you and your son...
I like that photo!
I find myself experiencing that "stick out like a sore thumb" feeling when I am photographing. One morning two students, a parent of students, and another teacher stopped to see if I was having car trouble. Another day another teacher stopped for the same reason. This uncomfortable feeling can make me miss a good photo. So I have decided to stick out like a sore thumb and just do it frequently enough so that I am not uncomfortable. It hasn't worked yet but I've gotten better photos.
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