In memory of G., even though it didn’t happen this way.
In the last hour, there was silence. Nothing else would have been fitting. How else do you attend the death of a child? As life slips away breath by etiolated breath, all you can do is listen and watch.
I will always remember the sounds of that sickroom. How we all waited for that last intake of breath, the final sigh. Each small sound, of clothes against a chair, of a fingernail furtively gnawed, seemed disrespectful. A watch ticked quietly, ordinarily not to be heard over the daily bustle. Perhaps all other senses fled and hearing sharpened because only ears were needed to confirm the end.
Someone’s lips moved, as if in prayer. Can prayer console in such circumstances? I closed my eyes and tried to envision an angel, hand outstretched to bear him to a better place but faith failed me. To believe in angels would be to believe in the justice and rightness of the moment. I could not acknowledge a divine and merciful power that had allowed this grim reaping of joy, youth and beauty.
Death entered the room and left again before I knew he was there. Realization only dawned as I watched the nurse uncoil her stethoscope, place it on the frail chest and record a time.
Very moving and well written - I too have watched death steal in and quietly and without fan fare take away life. It is a very confronting thing and I don't know that you're ever exactly the same after it.
What a moving piece and how terribly sad. I can't imagine losing a child. Thanks for stopping by, garnet yams are yams of a reddish color.
It's hard enough witnessing the death of a beloved adult. I can't imagine witnessing the same for a child. I caught my blessings.
Very Touching.
Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog.
I will Exercise for Comments!
Very sad moments which only one can understand when he has lived it. I did when my aunt died, so sad, I loved her so much.
Beautifully written - oh, it must be so difficult to lose a beloved child.
Beautiful picture and very moving comments. It's hard witnessing death at any time, but that of a child must be extremely painful.
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for sharing that. Well written.
Hard to put a picture and post like that together, but you did.
Beautifully written.
Had to read it again before commenting.
Take care,
How heartbreaking.
Be blessed.
Heart wrenching. Nicely written.
You captured a difficult subject with dignity, clarity and beauty.
Heart felt.
Very moving and beautiful. I can't begin to imagine the sadness you felt.
what a lovely post... i don't know any of the background on this,,, but it was very touching.......
Deeply touching and elegant in its grace...
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