because there never can be enough vacation
I'm well behind you, but will make it up as I am able. It's a great exercise for me, no matter the outcome. Have fun!
sarala-send me and email and i will email you back with my name-i am using my real name for nanowrimo. email is in my profile.
Did someone say real work? Oh yeah. You're not in Michigan.
Sarla, I added you as a writing buddy on NANO. I am way behind you on word count, can not imagine how you find the time!!
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I'm well behind you, but will make it up as I am able. It's a great exercise for me, no matter the outcome. Have fun!
sarala-send me and email and i will email you back with my name-i am using my real name for nanowrimo. email is in my profile.
Did someone say real work? Oh yeah. You're not in Michigan.
Sarla, I added you as a writing buddy on NANO. I am way behind you on word count, can not imagine how you find the time!!
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