The hair is going to go soon, I'm afraid. (At the hair dresser, I mean; no sign of female pattern baldness yet). This is one of my first self portrait attempts. Don't expect many of them, meme or not.
because there never can be enough vacation
Very nice photo. Thanks for stopping by the Poor Mouth
what beautiful hair you have--please don't cut it off :)
Nice view! lol I guess someone else took the photo huh? Come visit my blog and see my three entries for hair.
Nice photo, yes. Found eight things yet?
rethabile--no eight things yet.
paulie--I set the camera on timer and ran for the chair. No other human took the photo.
All--long hair is such a hassle. I'm getting tired of dealing with it. Life is too short.
Excellent self-portrait.
Do you think you would like to try 7 days with us?
You have to do at least one more pic and show us what you do with your hair, 'kay?
beautiful photo! Did you cut it yet?
Not cut yet. I will definitely post an "after" photo and a shot of the hair which I plan to send to Locks of Love.
Lovely hair!
Mine is up - my daughter cut off her long locks and donated them to LOL, too. Check out the change she made!
hmmmm... your hair looks like my hair...:)
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