Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crafts and Arts

Recycled Sweater Journals

I've been playing with making my own little hand bound books. Nothing fancy or professional--I don't have the time, materials or skills--just little hand bound notebooks or journals, made largely out of recycled materials.
Here are a few:

Recycled Sweater Journals 2

These two are made from a recycled, felted sweater with liners of old sheets I salvaged from the cleaning rags. I added vintage buttons, crochet and other bits and pieces I found around the house as details.

Sweater Journal, interior

These two are made from old coffee bags. The handles are from Starbucks brown paper bags and the clasps are buttons on one side and shell on the other. The interior paper is recycled from old calendars, graph paper, my kid's homework, paper bags and other bits and pieces from around the house.

Coffee Bag Notebooks

Now all I need to figure out is what I want to do with them.


p said...

love your coffee bags...and the top two red ones. and yeah...figuring out what to do with what you make is the hardest part.
congrats on having the courage to make something...i couldn't have done that!!!

Teo said...

Wow, that's a very promising beginning!! I really like the ones from the felted sweater. You should have seen my first trials, haha. I think you have potential to open an Etsy store :)

phonelady said...

oh sarala how cute , never knew you were so talented .