For another
photography meme I am posting photos of items with multiples of something in them. Here are (in my mind) two rather contrasting takes on multiples which both come from my winter break to Arizona (Phoenix and Tucson).
The first is a photo of the Biosphere 2 which we toured. It is a self-contained environment supposed to test the ability of humans to live within strict, space-station-like parameters. The experiment was not an unmitigated success. Currently the place functions as a tourist venue with some science going on. The multitude of geometric shapes here takes me back to high school math.
Next I share a photo of Saguaro cacti from the desert near Tucson. We took a lovely but challenging (for out of shape, 51 year old me) hike to a creek in the desert. During this trip I definitely fell in love with the Saguaro. It is a grand plant, comparable in its own way to a stand of redwood trees for its age and seeming timelessness.