Hell no, I won't go--statue seen inside the Arc du Triomphe (Arch of Triumph)
Well, we're headed home after two weeks of adventure. I have mixed feelings. I'm tired and want to sleep in my own bed. But I know I'm returning to the scene of the crime, as it were. Back to work and real life and stress. The nice thing about travel is the worse thing that is likely to happen if you make a wrong decision is you'll miss a meal or a train. Real life is so much more complicated. Maybe I could lose my passport? Probably not a good choice.
I'm looking forward to reliable internet access so I can tell you about all my travels. I do think given all the problems I have with the wireless on this machine that it is time to buy a new laptop. This one is over 4 years old and is quite well traveled.
La Misere (Misery)--statue in the Jardin des Tuileries, by Jean-Baptiste Hugues
(I'm so depressed to leave)
Well, off to London, Heathrow airport--one of the world's most unpleasant in my book. Then again I've never tried flying out of Delhi or Beijing. Maybe there is a more uncomfortable airport someplace.
Hope you make it home safely, and take some time to JUST BREATHE before dealing with reality. :^)
Look forward to hearing about it. And seeing the photos!
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