Books for Cooks, 4 Blenheim Crescent, Notting Hill, London W11 1NN
I loved taking pictures of storefronts in London and Paris. I'm processing photos of London first so here is a sampling. I'd also like to connect you to a lovely photoblog by the name of London Shop Fronts I stumbled across a while ago featuring London storefronts.
172 Portobello Rd, London
While in Paris, I tried to explain the allure of little boutique type shops and restaurants to my 17 year old son. Since he doesn't particularly like fashion or shopping he had trouble understanding the loss we experience here in the US by having so much incorporated into chain stores and how corporate globalization (Starbucks and the Gap in Paris, no less) is making the world bleakly the same.
As for me, I'd happily browse nearly every store I passed in either city. Fortunately for my budget I didn't have the time and my travel companions didn't have the patience. At least there are still Chicago storefronts to photograph even though to my jaded eye there are fewer with the character I see abroad.
hey sarala, thanks for leaving your footprint on my blog =)
i like photography too and lately i'm trying on black&white portrait, it's cool that you're taking a course as such now.
i'd also like to share this work of mine - 'the weight of this morning' with you. cheers~
Sarala, I heartily concur with the sentiment about the homogenization of the stores and products here.
The photos, as usual, are very nice.
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