Saturday, October 09, 2010

The Spanish People have a Path that Leads to a Star

Sculpture by Alberto Sanchez Perez

This is the English translation of the name of a sculpture by artist Alberto Sanchez Perez made for the 1937 Spanish Pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris. The Spanish pavilion was dwarfed by the grandiose Soviet and Nazi pavilions nearby which is likely a credit to Spain. Inside the pavilion was Picasso's Guernica which we saw in the Museo Reina Sofia. That is truly an amazing work of art though not one I'd like mounted in my living room over the mantel (not that it would fit).
The original of the sculpture shown here and located outside the museum was destroyed but the replica is still quite striking.

Spanish Sculpture

El pueblo espaƱol tiene un camino que conduce a una estrella

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